For some reason
Two things that spiritually overwhelm me: Showers and time spent with friends.
Having just come from almost 6 hours spending time with friends, being the loudest people at Seattle's Best, at a movie theater watching Snakes On A Plane, and the only people at McDonalds before closing, I feel joy pent up inside of me and all I could do is just feel happy. Like the moment stretches itself into next, like it's expanding. Like God making it so indelible that you're happy, and you can't help but notice it.
For some reason, I feel an overwhelming need to pray in the shower. No, not the kind of prayer that stems out of asking for something. It's more like, a sense of feeling everything at the same time and wanting to give it back, to release it. And as the water drips down my skin, I more often than not feel cleansed.
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