Bottle spinning round
I have 6 blogs. Count them. Find them. Whatever. While in my 3 year blogging life, I craved for a readership (too much of a fucking big word), and found a childlike comfort in the discovery that my friends blog as well. Then I gave the link to family members, most of whom I occasionally bitch about on my ocassionally drama queen conjurings. Then I wanted to be more open in spite of all that. Not that I have a lot of people reading my stuff. Anonymity is something I strangely cherish. So here it is. Hopefully more intense that any HNT can offer.
- As a child, friends and I would play those role playing type of stuff where one of us would be tied up and the someone would rescue that captive. I almost wanted to be the captive, complete with rope around my wrists secured behind my back.
- I had a crush on Peter Pan, but I insisted that I be Peter Pan at childplay.
- I've always wanted to have sex while a background of grunge music plays and progresses with climaxing. Oh, and keeping with the theme, I want to be held down. I would love being held down.
- It can be deduced that I'm still a virgin, in spite of myself. I am a virgin. And I don't get the big deal about losing it or keeping it. If you are one, then fine. If you aren't, then whatever. No pressure is all.
- Among other things, I have never been drunk because I'm a HUGE commuter. I pride myself in being able to find my way home from any point of Luzon. The world, even. So commuting drunk poses a lot of problems. Such as being gang raped. Yeah.
- I used to want to be married to a pastor. Because the idea that a guy my age who'd speak intellecually about theology, God and the Bible just turrrns me on. Almost the same way grunge does to me. Mm. (I read my Bible while Nirvana or good old Stone Temple plays gently from my iPod)
- A guy friend told me once to not use the guitar as a way to get boys to notice me. I thought it was sweet of him. I promised him that I'd put his dick in my mouth, half meaning it mainly because I knew I could say that and mean it when I know that I don't really mean it. We ran into each other twice in the mall this year. The first time he ignored me. The second time, I ignored him. (The events in this last paragraph, while about the same persons, are not related; however, they are writ in chronological order)
- Commuting home one night, my right breast rubbed itself unwittingly against the trike driver's back. I was silly then to spineless extent. The driver didn't charge anything, except a look on his eyes that I swear make me think he was possessed or something. I thought that because I was a right-wing evangelical then. Naivete much.
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