Kyle the headache

I guess I'm thankful for headaches. Like this one I'm currently having. It's a miracle that I try to think coherently and blog about it, but yeah, it's a headache. And we shall call it Kyle.
Standing can only make me stagger and wobble even. So sitting is the only option. It's Kyle's fault.
Between Kyle and other stuff, I'd rather take Kyle.
My mother, after watching the Morning Show wrote down a website run by some expert on women's issues. Below the link, she wrote what was supposedly featured on the show, which is How to Look For Mr. Right, My take on that is too many people are looking for Mr. Right. He may as well be taken. And on that note, he doesn't exist. I thought it obnoxious that mom would give it to me, implying that the online guy isn't enough to materialize as Mr. Right. Kyle in the meantime reminds me that I can only deal with so much and so I helplessly sit still and let him run the show some more.
I've been trying to enlist online for classes to take for graduate school, but the university's online enrollment system is being a punk. And because Kyle is still around, the only thing I can do is click on the exist button and leave it.
So thank you Kyle. While I always thought that headaches are terrible terrible things, I think you're great.
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