Nakedness and the law
I missed HNT. I don't feel wholly bad about it, but I'll make up for it. I promise.
Speaking of HNT...
I was reading my Bible this morning, and read the entire Exodus 20, and I ended up asking a question. What does it meant at the end of the chapter when it says: "And do not go up to my altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it."

My home church takes this seriously. Yes, and I meant legalistically. They even take it to heart that women worship leaders shouldn't wear skirts on the platform, which is pure bullshit, and which is why I'm not on the worship team. I mean, you're standing on a platform that's about three feet off the ground, making the crowd's eye level right on anyone's hip area. Not nice. And I move a lot. I mean, how can you not move a lot.
I was sent home one Sunday morning because I wasn't wearing a skirt, and I was singing back up. All my skirts were in the laundry. Honest. I wasn't a fashionista then yet so skirts were scarce. The worship coordinator couldn't have it, and told me to wear the first skirt I see in the hamper.
Mean, mean people. But they're nice when not legalistic.
But that doesn't answer my Exodus 20 question, does it? Does the altar expose us? Jesus fulfilled the law. How was this fulfilled?
Looks like an online search for Biblical mojo is in order.
Oh, and to make up for a missed HNT, aside for guaranteeing that there will be more of that stuff next week, here's something I saw online a few minutes ago:

lol is all.
I'm an ahteist raised roman catholic,so take this for what it's worth-I can't help but wonder if that line refers to your soul being naked, your person, not your body? If the nakedness means exposing the "sinful" state most human minds are assumed to be? That you need to purify before setting foot on a sacred site such as an altar?
just a thought. The line caught my eye as I browsed thru BE.
As a Christian, I wonder if it means to be as transparent before God as you can be? Don't hold back, he already knows who you are. Don't put on airs, pretend to be someone you are not.
Totally agree with the other two comments. In OT times the priests would have to serach themselves before entering the Holy of Holies and tie a rope around their leg lest God smote them due to their 'nakedness' exposing their sin(s).
Although I think they've taken this out of context I have to agree with the modesty side of it. Hard for a guy to keep his mind focused on worshiping God when he's watching some delicate teen gyrating before his eyes.
I don't get it, at the start it seems like they won't allow you to wear skirts, but then later on you get sent home for wearing one?
Don't get it too. Your church doesn't allow girls to wear skirts on the platform, but you were sent home for not wearing one?
I'm holding my breath until your next HNT.
for clarification...i wasn't wearing a skirt that morning (and it was lovely one, might i add), and it is policy that anyone singing on that platform isn't allowed to wear a skirt.
in reaction...
i don't think that nakedness would necessarily mean sin.
gawd. i need a concordance real bad.
what being nocturnal makes me.
i meant that our church doesn't allow a woman wear pants.
damn trimester system. messes wi'ye i'does.
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