Faith Junkie

Honestly anonymous, and unafraid to admit it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Now that makes me feel better

Well, not the sex part.

In the latter part of the previous year, I was ashamed of asking God for the same thing over and over again. I felt that God was getting tired of hearing my prayers again and again. But that's a lie. What I'm asking God for is something I can't share or just tell out in the open just yet, but it's something that I know is huge.

Anyhoo, yeah. Things we repeat. Let me just go on with how my prayer life has been lately.

It began with being honest. Letting it all out to God about how I feel, what I feel like doing, what I feel like saying.

Yeah, God, I feel like shit today. (Because "crap" didn't exactly mean it) But it goes beyond just swearing and being all cool and avant garde about it. I do have a potty mouth, but I use it sparingly, often in private, and sometimes, at an irresistably funny joke.

Back to being honest. So, telling everything to God (not that I use God as a shrink), and afterwards, I feel better. As if everything that bogged me down disappeared. I never noticed this until the last few days. I guess something's cooking.


Blogger Appellant said...

I envy you.

I have never been religious, and I don't think I will ever be. I have never in my life accepted anything on faith. I guess that's how I'm built.

I envy you not because you have religion. I envy you because, unlike you, I will never find comfort in prayer.

6:16 PM  

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